31 Flavors of Miami and other Benchmark Soils

Stephen Roecker, Skye Wills



While there are over 25,000 established soil series in the US, the number of soil components in SSURGO is currently a staggering 645,607. Soil components represent various phases of soil series. Phases can be anything from differences in surface texture, substratum texture, erosion class, slope gradient, flooding, etc. Therefore, while soil components are representative of a soil series concept, they are unique in their own right. Benchmark soils by contrast are soil series that are representative of a taxonomic class, geographic area, or unique ecological setting. The total number of benchmark soils within the US is 1,476. Given the vast number of soil components within SSURGO, one of the major future challenges in updating and managing SSURGO will be seeing the ‘forest for the trees’ and vice versa. Evaluating Miami and several other benchmark soils show that numerous phases (or flavors) exist. However it is proposed that the number of soil components could be further reduced to a more manageable number without comprising the level of detail they contain.

SDJR 2.0?

Soil Series and Benchmark Soil Series

Soil Map Unit Components (SSURGO)

Type Count
Soil Series (SS) 25689
Benchmark SS 1478
Soil Map Unit Components 645607

How Do We Phase Components?

How Have We Historically Populated Components?

  1. One or Several Typical Pedons (RV) for a Soil Series (e.g. SOI-5)
  2. Typical Pedon (RV) from the Soil Survey Area
    • Ranges (L & H) from OSD
    • Ranges (L & H) derived locally
  3. Copying and pasting

What Future Challenges Do We Face?

Depth Plots of Benchmark Soil Series

Miami Depth Plots - Landform

Miami Depth Plots - Parent Material

Miami Heatmap - Landform vs Parent Material

Miami Depth Plots - Slope Phase

Miami Depth Plots - Surface Texture

Miami Depth Plots - Erosion Class

Miami Depth Plots - Hierarchical Clusters

How Many Unique Combinations Exist?

compname n_majcompflag n_tier1 n_tier2 n_unique_h1 n_unique_h2
Gilpin 905 101 279 256 274
Cecil 442 82 161 140 142
Miami 368 53 138 133 151
Josephine 127 25 53 37 38
Tama 98 14 40 30 33
Drummer 34 5 19 21 22
Wilson 73 14 19 60 60



rule_number interp
1 AGR - Pesticide Loss Potential-Leaching
6 AWM - Land Application of Municipal Sewage Sludge
28 ENG - Dwellings With Basements
30 ENG - Local Roads and Streets
33 ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields

Conclusions & Recommendations